Public Relations and Communications Consultancy

Are you facing challenges with your corporate communications?

Do you need more human resources or expertise to implement public relations or a communications strategy successfully?

Do you need help with the development and implementation of a target-oriented communication plan?

Are you looking for a pragmatic approach, without a lot the usual PR agency ‘blah blah’, focusing instead on successful and goal-oriented PR and communications consulting and its implementation? Then you’ve come to the right place.

Our comprehensive suite of PR and communications consultancy and services encompasses all aspects of corporate communications. Whether for communication issues relating to day-to-day business, a company takeover, a planned IPO , AI-based transformation communications or a crisis. Crises know no business hours.

PR and Communications Consultancy: Only 3 steps to your PR & Communications goals

PR and Communications Step 1

We listen to you. You tell us about your request, project or story. Your communication goals are vital to us. We discuss the storyline, the time frame and the required resources with you. Always with an eye on your industry sector and the economic and political environment.

PR and Communications Step 2

Our offer: Public Relations and communications consultancy without a retainer contract. Your advantage: high flexibility! You will receive a binding PR and communications consultancy offer from us, tailored to your communications strategy, sectors, target groups and markets. We prioritize your  communication goals.

PR and Communications Step 3

The realisation of your Public Relations and communication strategy. We’re going to implement the communication strategy. Even at short notice. Pragmatic, efficient, and target-orientated. Communication topics related to your day-to-day business, a crisis situation, or a planned change in the company. Around the clock, 24/7.

PR and Communications for Startups. (Corporations &SME here).

Startups often need a higher degree of recognition. Professional PR is essential for entrepreneurs and start-ups wanting to get their business ideas into the public eye.

Marketing contributes to commercialising products and services rather than building image and reputation. PR has a more substantial influence on a start-up’s brand development.

However, it is often difficult for start-ups to properly position themselves and their story in the media due to a lack of financial resources and PR expertise. We know the start-up scene very well as we have been an active, connected part of the international start-up scene for many years.

Media visibility at the right time

We find the right moment for your startup’s launch and develop an appealing PR story to approach the media. We also constantly monitor developments in the entrepreneur scene and your environment.

We do successful PR consulting for startupswithout long-term binding consulting contracts. A PR consulting tailored to the needs of your start-up, with an eye to developments in the entrepreneur scene.

We generate media attention at the right time to get your startup noticed by (future) customers and investors. We write your stories and help you correctly communicate with the media and external stakeholders. We assist you in establishing your brand on the market using traditional or AI-based PR and multi-channel communication. We also offer events together with our business partner in the Metaverse.

CHF 2.990plus VAT.
  • Development of the business story and key messages
  • Definition of key stakeholders and communication channels
  • Development of list of relevant media and opinion leaders
CHF 3.590plus VAT.
  • Development of the business story and key messages
  • Definition of key stakeholders and communication channels
  • Development of list of relevant media and opinion leaders
  • Development of an appealing media release (German or English)
Additional Services
  • Preparation for and accompaniment to interviews with journalists
  • Set up of social media channels
  • Ghost writing for blogs, start-up story
  • PR for start-ups – speeches
  • Development of Social Media themes
  • Talks4Start-ups – Presentation techniques training

SMEs, often family-run, need to increase their international profile in the era of globalisation. This opens up new sales markets that will make your company far more competitive in the long term. Many SMEs and family businesses are often unaware of targeted media work’s strategic value and benefits. Good media relations at the right time – and with the right story – help companies gain exposure to large audiences and strengthen their corporate brand. Strong corporate brands, in turn, create trust and customer loyalty. When a business suddenly hits a crisis, it is often too late to communicate a positive image. That’s when you need on-demand access to a network of journalists and other media professionals.

We offer SMEs and Corporations what they expect from a forward-thinking PR and Communications Agency:

PR support when you most need it.

Our PR and Communications Consultancy and Services include

  • Quick, analytical thinking to understand your current situation and needs
  • Direct access to a network of local journalists and international media
  • Transformational Communication in AI- driven processes
  • Ad-hoc communications consulting, especially if you face a crisis that threatens your company and its image. A corporate crisis can strike anytime, so we are here for you 24/7.
  • Flexibility and quick response times
  • No-nonsense, dedicated, reliable, and honest approach

We are not about offering you an expensive agency concept with you having to foot the bill. We consult you in a pragmatic, but efficient and goal oriented way. Our Public Relations specialists ensure that you and your company’s brand are always at the center stage.

What you can expect from us: personal discussions at eye level, in which you describe your communication needs and objectives. We implement them in your interest. Corporate crises does not care about business  hours – we are there for you around the clock.

CHF 3.490plus VAT.
  • Sharpening of your USPs
  • Consistent choice of words: Development of meaningful core messages
  • Writing a meaningful media story
  • Creation of a media list, geared towards your company story and target groups
CHF 3.990plus VAT.
  • Sharpening of your USPs
  • Consistent choice of words: Development of meaningful core messages
  • Writing a meaningful media story
  • Creation of a media list, geared towards your company story and target groups
  • Editorial writing of a media release
Additional Services
  • Preparation for discussions with journalists
  • IPO communication
  • Crisis communication
  • Change management communication
  • Editorial writing of blogs, speeches, technical communication
  • Newsletter
  • Customer communication
  • Internal communication
  • Development of social media topics
  • CEO communication

Public Relations simply explained !

What is the difference between PR, marketing and advertising?

If a young man has met a girl and tells her what a great guy he is, that’s marketing. If he tells her how lovely she looks, that’s advertising. But if the girl decides to favour him because she has heard from others what a fine guy he is, that’s public relations.

Alwin Münchmeyer (1908-90), German merchant and banker

Public Relations doesn’t only mean writing and publishing press releases. This is only a tiny part of public relations measures.

There are various synonyms for PR: public relations, relationship management, corporate communications and communications management.

Public Relations often needs to be clarified with marketing. Marketing encompasses all measures to grab attention and promote products and services.

Four central aspects play an essential role in marketing, referred to as the ‘marketing mix’ or ‘4 Ps’: ‘product’, ‘price’, ‘place’ and ‘promotion’. The aim is to motivate people to buy and thus generate sales.

In contrast to marketing, we refer to public relations as ‘communication management’.

The PRSA defines public relations as ‘a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organisations and their publics’.

At its core, PR is about influencing, engaging, and building relationships with key stakeholders to build, manage, and strengthen an organisation’s or individual’s image.

PR has changed significantly over the years due to technological advancements and shifts in communication channels.

The fields of PR activity are diverse, as outlined below.

Internal communication / Human relations and AI

Well-functioning internal corporate communications contribute significantly to the success of a company. Internal communications include knowledge transfer and management in employee communication, as well as disseminating the most important company news and updates on corporate strategy, products and services, and company development. The aim is to increase and maintain employee loyalty and promote motivation by showing appreciation for employees. Motivated employees are committed employees.

Well-planned internal corporate communication – especially when many companies are combining remote work and office work – promotes and improves cooperation and team spirit. Internal communication should be planned and implemented in close cooperation with Human Resources.

AI and internat communications

One significant application of AI is employee engagement and employee empowerment.

Through intelligent integration of AI, companies can unlock new opportunities and optimize their communication channels and processes.

This applies especially to internal communications. Internal communications teams will become vital partners in the transformation process related to implementing AI in organizations. Internal communications professionals must understand that AI is a supporting tool, not a replacement for internal communication.

Embrace generative AI and empower employees to participate.

The future skills of internal communications professionals include critical thinking, the ability to adapt and learn new technology quickly, humanised editing and storytelling skills. Emotional intelligence and empathy for building relationships, creative thinking and ideation, Data analysis and interpretation of the data, the ability to identify and address the ethical implications of AI.

Media work

With the right approach, media relations – PR / press relations – can contribute to a company’s success. Media relations is a versatile and complex field of activity in PR. It is a continuous process that publishes target group-orientated information in a factually correct and transparent manner.

To be successful in PR,

  • you need extensive PR expertise
  • a large network of journalists with personal journalist contacts
  • an understanding of how to work with journalists – the dos and ’don’ts of dealing with journalists
  • continuous media monitoring and evaluation of press work – media response analysis

Successful media relations contribute to generating leads and acquiring customers. This can build, optimise and thus strengthen a ’company’s image. This is done via media channels such as newspapers, magazines, TV and radio, and online media such as blogs,vlogs, podcasts and social media.

AI and mediawork

Generative AI is driving the need for a new approach to working with journalists and media. In a world of fake news and information overload, automized publications of AI-based, SEO-optimized press releases on PR newswires will no longer be the core business of media work.

As it becomes more from the crowd, media work will become more specified and tailored to humanized briefings with journalists on an interpersonal level.

Direct access to an extensive personal journalist network is becoming increasingly important. That’s what we offer. We understand their field of activity and their target audience. Why? We have been working with journalists globally for almost two decades. However, press or news releases will still be part of media work, but AI-generated texts must be humanized, adjusted to the corporate wording and ethically checked before being published on PR newswires. In the case of listed companies, the complexity increases for using AI generated texts in case of ad hoc publicity.

External Communications and AI

PR strategies must focus on the “humanization of communication” and making brands human. They will use robust, authentic business storytelling that resonates with your organization’s audiences when discussing the company, products and services.

Our PR strategy for your organization will focus on building humanized, authentic stories about your company, products, employees and services. Humanity, emotions and the story’s authenticity are crucial to building and strengthening your company’s brand.

Humanized storytelling

Technology companies in particular face the challenge of making their business stories easily understandable to their audience: clients, investors and future employees. In general, they communicate this in jargon or very complex language, which is not helpful for brand building, finding investors and clients, or attracting talent. This prevents them from reaching just the subset of people with expertise in the topic.

Don’t underestimate the sensitivity of client communication.

AI in client communications involves artificial chat, i.e. the automated customer service provided by chatbots. AI-supported chatbots can answer customer enquiries around the clock, provide support and even take on complex tasks such as ordering products or changing appointments.

AI can analyze customer interaction data to make better customer communication strategy decisions. Based on customer behavior and preferences, algorithms can create customized content tailored to each customer’s needs. This can lead to more efficient resource use and improved overall customer satisfaction.

AI-supported analysis tools can help measure and optimize the communication campaign’s effectiveness. However, AI-based client communication has to be done carefully to ensure that the customer loyalty built over years and decades is not undermined by the loss of the human touch.

Community Relations

The critical role of communication has not changed, but the democratisation of information has. As a result, there has been a shift from active to co-active PR. The fundamental change is that public relations not only disseminates its stories via traditional communication channels and communication media such as press releases, events, newsletters, internal communication, websites, flyers, brochures, annual and quarterly reports, etc. but also via ‘ambassadors’ – as interest groups, ‘communities’ and consumers exchange information. They have been given a voice in PR. Consequently, an excellent public relations strategy also requires targeted community relations management.

AI and social media 

With artificial intelligence rising, authenticity becomes essential for successful social media communication. Unprecedented bot content and fake news have flooded our social feeds, and bots that create mass content have become very accessible.

Consumers are catching on and beginning to question everything they see online. Thus, communications experts and marketers must think of new ways to reach their target audience and convince them that what they show them is true.


Do you want to build your corporate brand? Newsjacking can have a positive impact on your corporate brand if implemented correctly, if you approach newsjacking with the necessary caution and sensitivity.

With ‘newsjacking’, companies refer to current events in their corporate communications to disseminate it further, ‘like’, ‘share’ or comment on it. Given the short news cycles, brands are often better remembered, sometimes because of the relevance but also because of the immediacy.

Aligning your content with a hot topic can attract the attention of bloggers, social media users and journalists already discussing these topics.

However, not every message is suitable for every brand. It’s important to carefully evaluate the context of a message and its potential impact before incorporating it into your marketing strategy.

If your public intervention resonates, it can lead to significant social media leads and potential customers, positively impacting your brand’s overall recall value. This includes increasing your credibility and authority or potentially driving mentions in Google search results.

SEO optimisation: newsjacking breaking news can also improve your website’s search engine optimisation (SEO). If you are among the first to publish content on a breaking news story, you can attract organic traffic looking for information on that topic.

Crisis communication

“I suspect in most companies, the public relations person is down at No. 20 in the pecking order. But here, he is fighting significant battles. If a negative story starts running away with itself in the press and is not dealt with fast, it can badly damage the brand, and so we put enormous weight on our PR people.” – Sir Richard Branson

Crisis communication is an integral part of public relations. It deals with situations in which the company’s integrity or reputation is jeopardised due to negative publicity. It helps companies to overcome challenging situations while protecting their reputation, and thus maintaining the trust of their stakeholders.

To be prepared for all eventualities, companies – whether start-ups, SMEs or international corporations – should have a crisis communication plan in place.

The task of crisis communication is to

  • minimise negative effects using a targeted communication strategy
  • protect the company’s reputation
  • manage a crisis by providing correct information
  • strengthen the trust of all stakeholders.

Professionally implemented crisis communication not only helps to manage the immediate situation, but also offers the company an opportunity to demonstrate its commitment to responsible behaviour, transparency and accountability.

Public Relations: Further communication topics and areas that interface with public relations are

  • investor relations
  • public affairs
  • social media management
  • online marketing
  • events with lecture series

Companies can only sometimes carry out all related measures with internal PR experts. It is therefore advisable to work with a public relations agency that offers the necessary expertise in these PR fields. In this way, it can significantly support a company’s public relations strategy and associated PR goals. That’s why working with a public relations agency that offers PR consulting and PR support on demand makes sense – for when you need it most urgently.