M&A: Successful Transaction Communications

Mergers & Acquisitions communication: whether a company sale, company takeover or a company merger:

Professional, emphatic and forward-looking communication is crucial in successfully implementing an M&A transaction.

How do you inform your employees, customers, suppliers, and capital market about a planned M&A deal? We support you in doing this.

M&A transactions always bring with them predictable and unpredictable communication challenges. We solve these for you.

Thanks to our many years of experience in Corporate Finance, including in the area of corporate finance, we have fundamental know-how about what to look out for in M&A transaction communication. You can also read our guest article on finews.ch

Mergers and acquisitions communications begins when the planning of a company takeover, company acquisition or company sale is imminent. It starts with strategy development and the identification of acquisition targets throughout the entire transaction phase up to the signing and closing and the subsequent integration phase (in the case of a merger or company takeover).

These communications activities aim to inform all relevant target groups – employees, suppliers, business partners, the public, the media and, most importantly, the capital market.

There is an obligation to inform the capital market about a planned transaction if it is insider information. This means that capital market-oriented companies should disclose the deal to the public if there is a certain probability that the transaction will be completed. This happens at the latest at the time of signing.

M&A Communications goals

Mergers & Acquisition: Strong focus on internal communication

  • Creating trust
  • reducing fears and concerns (both among employees and the public),
  • promoting employee commitment and motivation and
  • most importantly, protecting the company’s reputation.

M&A communications increases transaction security in the short term and a company’s strategic success in the medium and long term.

M&A communications primarily serve to realise the two most crucial M&A objectives:

  • achieving a successful M&A transaction,
  • realising the purpose of the transaction.

M&A transaction communication takes all target groups into account

This includes employees in particular. The workforce must be informed with empathy, transparently and at the right time. Authentic and honest communication is essential for a successful M&A process.

Public Relations in all M&A Transaction phases

Mergers and Acquisitions communication: confidentiality, fulfil legal and regulatory requirements, communicate honestly.

Communication with the public is of great importance during the transaction phases. It is not only about the company’s valuation, the previous owner and management’s future roles, and the purchase price. The public is also interested in how a company will be continued and the consequences for the employees or locations.

Confidential information relating to the M&A transaction must be protected to the highest degree.

Communication after the closing is essential!

Further communication challenges begin after the sale, acquisition or merger of companies.

These include brand development, vision and mission. The CEO has this task first and foremost, as they are the face and voice of the company. He acts as a reputation manager.

Listed companies also need an effective and well planned communications strategy after the M&A transaction has been completed, as share prices tend to react negatively to communication errors in M&A processes.

The best of both worlds: many years of corporate finance expertise combined with PR and communications expertise.

Thanks to our many years of experience in Investment Banking (Corporate Finance/mergers & acquisitions), we offer the best of both worlds:

Extensive expertise in M&A processes and many years of communications consulting experience in complex processes – at the management level.

Whether a share deal or an asset deal, we advise and support you in all phases of an M&A transaction: before, during, and after the transaction, when different corporate cultures must be brought together.

Our M&A Communications advisory includes:

  • Support in developing the M&A story
  • Communications management in all phases of the M&A transaction
  • Organisation and management of the internal and external coordination process
  • Conception and coordination of all communications measures, including internal and external communications
  • Support in addressing all relevant target groups (journalists, investors, analysts, rating agencies, shareholder representatives, employees, trade unions, business partners and customers)
  • Comprehensive media work (AI-based, humanised)
  • Providing access to a  personal network of journalists relevant to the transaction
  • In the event of information leakage: provision of communications in the event of unplanned and premature publication of information about the M&A transaction
  • Continuous monitoring and evaluation of the markets and media
  • Media response analysis
  • Media training for top management

Internal and external communications: dealing with uncertainties: During an M&A process, employees, customers, investors, and other stakeholders usually experience a great deal of uncertainty and anxiety. Professional and effective communication helps manage this uncertainty and reduce fears.

Employee Communications: Maintaining morale: Merger and acquisition activity can disrupt employees and day-to-day work processes, and uncertainty about the future can lead to a decline in morale and productivity.

Internal Communications in M&A transactions: retention of key talent. During an M&A transaction, employees feel uncertain. Communication can help retain top talent.

M&A Corporate Communications: build and strengthen trust: Trust is essential for both parties to work effectively towards a common goal. M&A transactions involve a certain amount of risk, and trust-based communication is critical to successfully managing the risks associated with the transaction.

M&A transactions require consistent communication: This with a focus on the strategic direction, impact on the existing business model, growth and revenue prospects, synergies, and technological aspects.

M&A Transaction Communications avoiding legal issues:                      M&A transactions can be complex. If not communicated correctly, this can lead to legal and regulatory problems.