Kommunikation, Künstliche Intelligenz, KI, Zwischenmenschliche Kommunikation; Kommunikationsstrategie

Communication of the future: How do we maintain the human aspect in future communication?

Communication is a complex discipline. The outcome of a conversation depends on how a sender encodes information to be transmitted and how a receiver decodes the received data. The communication channel you choose poses an additional challenge.

This is no surprise: the channels and tools with which humans communicate with each other have changed a lot during the last decade. Each generation chooses a different preferred communication channel. While communications technology is advancing rapidly, face-to-face and traditional forms of communication will likely play a vital role in how people interact.

Today’s technology compels us to expand the definition of interpersonal communication to include email, Slack, virtual meetings, direct messages on social media, and various messenger services. However, this does not mean that personal communication disappears. It is given a different status.

Nothing can replace a face-to-face conversation.

Interpersonal communication entails exchanging information, meaning, feelings, and opinions between at least two people via verbal or non-verbal means.

There are many benefits to personal, face-to-face communication:

  1. It improves emotional, social, and mental health.
  2. It strengthens existing connections
  3. It deepens trust and transparency
  4. A personal conversation improves problem-solving and conflict-resolution skills

But there are also challenges: although we like to think we’re saying exactly what we mean, that’s not always true. Especially when we’re talking to someone who uses a communication style that is very different from our own or is not a native speaker of the language we are communicating.

Therefore, communication should always be concise, concrete, complete, and courteous to avoid misunderstandings.

Active listening is another essential tool. Effective communication, which consists of speaking and listening carefully to your conversation partner, is one of the most critical requirements for a proper conversation. It enables us to form meaningful connections and relationships.

What could the future of personal communication look like?

Wearable devices such as smartwatches, smart glasses, and other wearables will become more prevalent, and these devices will be used to communicate with others through gestures or voice commands.

New forms of communication that we can’t even imagine could emerge in the future. For example, telepathic or holographic communication may become a reality.

Children might even communicate with AI-assisted chatbots or digital assistants that can understand and respond to their language in real-time.

We will have to wait and see what the future of communication will bring – but as long as humans are involved in face-to-face conversations, personal communication will play an essential role in relationship-building and problem-solving.